Trailer Super RTL para TCW

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lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Aunque sigue sin haber confirmación oficial en EE.UU para el estreno de los bonus de la serie "The Clone Wars" que se emitirán como Sexta temporada el canal Alemán Super RTL sigue insistiendo en que lo emitirá el 15 de febrero. Sirva como muestra el trailer que ha empezado a emitir y que gracias a la labor de un grupo de fans podemos ver capturado y subtitulado en ingles (aprovecha antes de que desaparezca)

Nota: Si tienes problemas para ver los subtítulos te los copiamos bajo el vídeo.

Anakin and his men are bravely fending off an attack on the Republic that has been going on for days.
The Republic has been under attack for many days.
The droids are attacking the Republic.
Anakin is fighting against the invaders.
The droids are forming up to attack the Republic.
Anakin and his men are wondering what has gotten into the murdering clone cadet.
The twin sisters are fighting alongside Anakin and his clone cadets.
The admiral is monitoring the battle between his droids and the Republic.
Cadet Fives conducts his own investigation and discovers that a modified code has been hidden in the minds of all the clones.
Cadet Fives is being assisted by AZ-3.
Ahsoka [note: actually Shaak Ti] is holding the tumor found in the dead clone cadet's brain.
Master Yoda is contemplating how he can help Queen Julia from the peaceful world of Bardotta.
Queen Julia from the peaceful world of Bardotta is threatened by an ancient prophecy.
Queen Julia from the peaceful world of Bardotta asks the Republic Senate for help.

Enviado por: El Coronel Kurtz

Sección mantenida por Christian 'Alakran' Rubio
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