Section created by Trskel Adelscott for SithNET
Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without the consent of the author.

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This pistol can only be found with the Jawa figure. It's always of a blueish black colour.


Original Variant Nº1
This variant has a button or "nipple" on the top part of it.

Variant Nº1

Original Variant Nº2
This is the variant without nipple.

Variant Nº2

If you have any variant that is not shown here, please let us know by sending an email.


Repro N.1
In this repro, apart from being too blue, you can see that the groove on the top of the weapon in the part opposite of the nipple (see arrow) goes until the end, while this doesn't happen in the original.

Repro Nº1

Repro N.2
This is the same but in black colour.

Repro Nº2

Repro N.3
This pistol is clearly a repro, because none of the Jawas's pistols were made in grey.

Repro Nº3

New repros are continuously turning up in the market and we can not track them all on our own, so if you find a repro that is not listed in this page, please contact us in our e-mail.

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© S I T H N E T - Javier Lois

Section created by Trskel Adelscott for SithNET
Total or partial reproduction is prohibited without the consent of the author
El Ejecutor
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